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The Reiding List

Here are some of the resources we used to develop Monday's show.
The Reiding List

Here are some of the resources we used to develop Monday's show:

Supreme Court strikes blow to public sector unions

Hobby Lobby wins in narrow ruling

Book review: ‘Uncertain Justice : The Roberts Court and the Constitution’ by Laurence Tribe and Joshua Matz

Forthcoming books: Larry Tribe and others comment on the Court and the Constitution

Obama seeks more than $2 billion in border control funds

Obama to nominate Bob McDonald to lead Veterans Affairs department

ISIS declares Islamic 'Caliphate' and calls on groups to pledge allegiance

Russian jets and experts sent to Iraq to aid army

ISIS risks everything to declare a caliphate

G.M. to set payouts in crashes caused by flawed switches

Facebook totally screwed with a bunch of people in the name of science

Facebook's Secret Experiment: Now investors can study the 'Emotional Contagion' of consumer backlash

If Facebook's secret study bothered you, then it's time to quit Facebook