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Star Wars: Long Island? It could happen

The GOP has a plan to create a missile defense shield for the East Coast, designed to prevent a nuclear attack from Iran — all Stars Wars-style.The Hill

The GOP has a plan to create a missile defense shield for the East Coast, designed to prevent a nuclear attack from Iran — all Stars Wars-style.

The Hill posted exclusive details.

The Republican proposal calls for the East Coast site, which would be the third in the country, to be operational by the beginning of 2016.Democrats contend the total cost would be $4 billion. Republicans counter that the price tag would be half of that amount.“This is a political move,” said Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.), who intends to introduce an amendment Wednesday to strip the provision from the defense authorization bill. “Every time the election comes around, the Republicans run out a national security agenda.”It is unclear where the Obama administration stands on the matter. A White House spokesman declined to comment.Presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney and Republicans in Congress slammed Obama on missile defense after his “hot mic” moment in March, in which Obama told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he needed “flexibility” until after the Nov. 6 election. 

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