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Obama turns to Hollywood for doc

Team Obama turned to Hollywood for a lengthy promo video short documentary.

Team Obama turned to Hollywood for a lengthy promo video short documentary. The loveable Tom Hanks narrates the 17-minute video capturing President Obama's dramatic first term in office (matched with a dramatic soundtrack, naturally). And Academy Award-winning filmmaker Davis Guggenheim directed the short, which was described in the newly released trailer as a "film about determination and progress." Vice President Biden, Rahm Emanuel and Elizabeth Warren make cameos.

Back in 2008, ties to Tinsel Town became the subject of campaign attack ads. John McCain called Obama the "biggest celebrity in the world," up there with Britney Spears and Paris "I'll-see-you-at-the-debates-bitches" Hilton.

"The Road We’ve Traveled" makes its debut online on March 15.