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Disney trademarks 'Seal Team 6'

Fresh on the heels of Osama Bin Laden’s death, the Walt Disney Company filed paperwork to trademark the phrase “Seal Team 6.” That’s the same name of
Mickey Mouse (file)
Mickey Mouse (file)

Fresh on the heels of Osama Bin Laden’s death, the Walt Disney Company filed paperwork to trademark the phrase “Seal Team 6.” That’s the same name of the special forces unit that killed the Al Qaeda leader.

According to FishbowlNY, the company filed paperwork on May 3, just two days after Navy Seals raided Bin Laden’s hidden compound. Very quick, that Mickey Mouse.

It’s highly doubtful we’re going to see an animated feature of six cuddly wuddly seals on a magical military journey anytime soon. But, Disney’s now in a place to capitalize off others who want to document or create something around this historical event.