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Biden to baby: Don't worry, Romney won't get elected

When babies cry at theater performances or, say, stump speeches, most people just power through and try to act like it's not happening.
Vice President Joe Biden courting future voters (AP Photo/Stacy Bengs)
Vice President Joe Biden courting future voters

When babies cry at theater performances or, say, stump speeches, most people just power through and try to act like it's not happening. Vice President Joe Biden, on the other hand, decided to address a crying baby directly Wednesday when she (or he) interrupted his speech in Ohio.

"I don't blame that baby for crying," Biden said. "You know what, she just realized what it means if Romney gets elected...Hi, baby, how are you? It's okay, he's not going to get elected, you're going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

Like all good politicians, Biden has a natural rapport with babies. Though his seems to be a bit more developed than most; it turns out Biden has had these mid-speech baby conversations before. At a speech last Saturday in Florida, a baby wailed out just as Biden began to talk about how Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will decimate education.

"I don't blame that baby for crying! " Biden said. "That baby--that baby... knows what's in store for him or her if Romney wins! I'm glad someone understands my speech."

Thanks to Buzzfeed for finding this.