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What We're Watching 11/16/11

Herman Cain reportedly said that, "I'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy" while on his campaign bus with a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter

Herman Cain reportedly said that, "I'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy" while on his campaign bus with a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter on the afternoon after his infamous interview with the paper's editorial board.

A new judge will be assigned to alleged child sex abuser Jerry Sandusky's hearing after the original district judge's connections with Sandusky's The Second Mile charity came to light. While Sandusky is out on bail with no restrictions on travel, Penn State has expressed that Sandusky is “not welcome” on campus but lacks legal recourse to enforce the request. Meanwhile, Rep. Bobby Rush has called upon congress to launch an investigation on the NCAA for its oversight in the sexual abuse cover-up.

Occupy Baltimore protestors erupted in chants while Karl Rove spoke at Johns Hopkins University last night, citing Rove as "The architect of tax cuts for the 1 percent.” In New York, demonstrators of Occupy Wall Street have returned to Zuccotti Park since their eviction early yesterday morning.