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Guest List, Tuesday 7/5


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)joins Ed to unveil the number of signatures he's gathered for his petition calling for shared sacrifice.

Van Jones, senior fellow at the Center For American Progress and a senior policy advisor at Green For Alltalks about the growing discrepancy between wage earners in this country and about his Rebuild the Dream tour

John Harold, Allentown Metal Worksjoins us EXCLUSIVELY to give the real reason behind the plant's closing and how Mitt Romney got it wrong.

Mayor Ed Pawlowski, (D) Allentown, PAjoins us to talk Romney and set the record straight about the recovery in Allentown.

Former Governor Arne Carlson, (R-MN)on to talk about the bipartisan group he helped form to end the government shutdown in Minnesota and respond to critics, like Tim Pawlenty.

Lizz Winstead, Comedian and co-creator of “The Daily Show” on the media's fascination with the Casey Anthony trial and the REAL issues that coverage of the trial has left behind.