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'Ed Show' Playbook: Wed., July 18th

In its desperation to change the topic from taxes, Bain, outsourcing and Sununu’s no-no’s, the Romney campaign has officially let the dogs out.
'Ed Show' Playbook: Wed., July 18th
'Ed Show' Playbook: Wed., July 18th

In its desperation to change the topic from taxes, Bain, outsourcing and Sununu’s no-no’s, the Romney campaign has officially let the dogs out. Bob Shrum, Democratic Strategist, and Richard Wolffe, msnbc Political Analyst, join Ed to talk about the new attacks they’re launching on President Obama and why they won’t work.

The Republicans will not stop talking about President Obama’s remarks last week regarding small businesses. Problem is, they’re pushing a lie. And Romney, still desperate to get us talking about ANYTHING other than his taxes, has joined in on the game. (And you won’t believe how many segments Fox News has aired pushing the deceptive edit) E.J. Dionne, a Senior Fellow at The Brookings Institution and Washington Post columnist, joins us to (ONCE AGAIN) sort out the lie.

Yesterday, Ed brought you the story about the town of Freeport, IL and the 170 jobs at the Bain-controlled Sestana Technologies that are at risk of being outsourced to China. The community is asking Mitt Romney to help save their jobs. While the Romney camp (amazingly) claims to be for the middle class—it’s his business model that is responsible for situations like the one threatening the local economy in Freeport. James Hoffa, President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, joins Ed to talk about the effects of outsourcing and how bills like the “Bring the Jobs Home Act” proposed by Senate Democrats, would encourage insourcing.

Susan Del Percio, Republican Strategist, msnbc Contributor, Krystal Ball, Democratic Strategist and Former Candidate for U.S. Congress, and Keli Goff, Author of “The GQ Candidate” join Ed for the big panel tonight—we’re talking about former President George W. Bush’s “AWESOME” interview with the Hoover Institution and about whether or not his legacy is equally “AWESOME”.

**EXCLUSIVE** You won’t want to miss this! Tonight, Ed has an EXCLUSIVE interview with Wayne Powell, the Democratic Congressional Candidate from Virginia who is running for Congress in Virginia’s seventh congressional district… against Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor. And with the polls showing that only 41 percent of people in Cantor’s district say he should be re-elected (and 43 percent saying he should be replaced) Wayne Powell has the chance. Join us tonight to hear where he stands on the issues.

It's going to another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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