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'Ed Show' playbook: Thu., Apr. 26

Paul Ryan defends his budget from Catholics who call it "immoral" and protesters outside demand Republicans "stop the war on the poor."Ed has full coverage

Paul Ryan defends his budget from Catholics who call it "immoral" and protesters outside demand Republicans "stop the war on the poor."

Ed has full coverage tonight, including analysis and reaction from Richard Wolffe, msnbc Political Analyst.

Sean Hannity is still clueless when it comes to poverty and he's repeating Republican lies that big government creates it.  

Dr. Cornel West, Professor in the Center for African American Studies at Princeton University, and Tavis Smiley, co-host of Smiley and West and author ("The Rich and The Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto), join Ed for that.

The Republicans are losing the student loan battle so now John Boehner is attacking the president's travel schedule.  Joan Walsh, Salon’s Editor at Large, will help Ed set the house speaker straight.

Great news for Chrysler causes major headaches for Mitt "Mr. Business" Romney.  Rep. Gary Peters (D-MI) will explain.

Scott Walker's desperation reaches a new level.  Ed will show us how his latest stunt backfired.

And in the Big Finish, Vice President Biden schools the Romney campaign on foreign policy.  msnbc Host Martin Bashir talks about the Osama bin Laden remarks that are coming back to haunt the presumptive Republican nominee.

It's going to be yet another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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