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'ED Show' playbook: Mon., July 30

Mitt Romney’s overseas misadventures continue. The presumptive GOP presidential nominee is called an out of touch racist after claiming Israel’s bustling

Mitt Romney’s overseas misadventures continue. 

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee is called an out of touch racist after claiming Israel’s bustling economy is based on a culture that's allowed them to be more economically successful than the Palestinians.

Democratic National Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz will weigh in on Mitt's jaw-dropping ignorance of foreign policy and lack of diplomacy. 

Former Vice President Dick Cheney speaks the truth about 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and sparks a family feud with his daughter.  Liz says Palin’s more qualified than President Obama.  We’ll check with msnbc Political Analyst Jonathan Alter to see if he agrees.

Former President Bill Clinton is set to play a major role at this year's Democratic National Convention. Meanwhile, the GOP is running away from former President George W. Bush and Cheney.  E.J. Dionne of the Washington Post will have the latest.

Mitt Romney gives an interesting new excuse for why he won't reveal his tax rate.  The panel (Joy Reid, Managing Editor of and msnbc Contributor, Emily Tisch Sussman, Executive Director of Young Democrats of America, and Jon Bramnick, NJ Assembly GOP Leader) weighs in on his newest non-answer.

And a TV news anchor tweets he was pulled over by police today for "driving while black."  T.J. Holmes joins guest host Michael Eric Dyson to discuss the incident, and race relations in America. 

It's going to another packed @EdShow at 8pET on @msnbctv.

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