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'ED Show' playbook: Friday, Jan. 11

The National Rifle Association, a lobbying organization that exploits the fears of millions to protect the financial interests of gun manufacturers, says it wan
An AR-15 style rifle sits on the counter by Craig Marshall as he assists a customer at Freddie Bear Sports sporting goods store on December 17, 2012 in Tinley Park, Illinois. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
An AR-15 style rifle sits on the counter by Craig Marshall as he assists a customer at Freddie Bear Sports sporting goods store on December 17, 2012 in...

The National Rifle Association, a lobbying organization that exploits the fears of millions to protect the financial interests of gun manufacturers, says it wants an assault weapon ban off the table.

OK, good luck with that!

Tonight on “The Ed Show” at 8pET on msnbc, Ed Schultz welcomes Mark Glaze Director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, for a closer look at what’s behind the NRA’s agenda.

Then, gun enthusiasts like James Yeager, who had agreed to come on "The Ed Show" tonight but then backed out, grasp for straws in the face of gun reform. Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University and author ("Can You Hear Me Now?”), sets them straight.


Rep. Phil Gingrey backs up Todd Akins’ disgusting “legitimate rape” claim. Karen Finney msnbc Political Analyst and former DNC Communications Director, responds to the GOP’s newest charge on women.

The key to filibuster reform could all be in Harry Reid's hands. Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee Chairman, former presidential candidate and the founder of Democracy for America, gives us the outlook.

The trillion-dollar coin could be just crazy enough to work. We’ll have the details.

And in the BIG Finish, Junior Seau's brain exam was a powerful wake-up call. Chris Nowinski, Co-Director, Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy at Boston University of Medicine, and President & CEO of Sports Legacy, takes the NFL to task.

It’s going to be another essential @edshow tonight at 8p/11pET on @msnbctv.

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