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This is working for Herman Cain

<p>Say what you want about Herman Cain, but the guy could sell tax cuts for millionaires to a nation of working families.</p>
This is working for Herman Cain
This is working for Herman Cain

Say what you want about Herman Cain, but the guy could sell tax cuts for millionaires to a nation of working families. Yesterday on the Sean Hannity Show:

I said they should be protesting in front of the White House because Wall Street did not produce these failed economic polices. Wall Street did not spend a trillion dollars, nearly, of if you want to start at $787 billion, almost a trillion dollars, of failed economic stimulus.Wall Street isn't the one that is now proposing that we spend another $450 billion that's not going to work because the other trillion dollars didn't work. Their frustration should be directed at the White House. Sean, I believe that this is a coordinated effort on the part of the unions and Obama supporters to distract the American people from the real problem, which is the failed policies of the Obama administration.

A brief factual aside: Wall Street very much brought us the Great Recession, and tax cuts for the wealthy very much brought us the federal deficit.

The new Republican talking point on Occupy Wall Street, as delivered today, says protesters "realize that if they want change, the one person most responsible for the status quo and for making change is President Obama." So far, the lone candidate who sounds good making that argument is Herman Cain. For him, it's really working.

(Video of Herman Cain on Hannity.)