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Wednesday's Mini-Report, 2.10.16

Today's edition of quick hits.
Today's edition of quick hits:
* More on this in the morning: "New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will end his presidential bid on Wednesday after a disappointing sixth place finish in the New Hampshire Republican primary, NBC News confirms."
* It's impossible to overstate how much is on the line: "The Supreme Court's surprise decision Tuesday to halt President Obama's climate change regulation could weaken or even imperil the international global warming accord reached with great ceremony in Paris less than two months ago, climate diplomats said."
* Afghanistan: "The United States Army will deploy hundreds of soldiers to the southern Afghan province of Helmand, where government forces have been pushed to the brink by Taliban militants, a military spokesman said Tuesday."
* The "determined to strike" framing sure does ring a bell, doesn't it? "Leaders of the Islamic State are determined to strike targets in the United States this year, senior U.S. intelligence officials said Tuesday, telling lawmakers that a small group of violent extremists will attempt to overcome the logistical challenges of mounting such an attack."
* Ferguson, Mo.: "Faced with one of the most monumental decisions in its city's history, the Ferguson City Council voted to attach conditions to a consent decree with the federal government. The move is not sitting well with some of the embattled city's residents – or the Department of Justice."
* CDC: "If you want to know how quickly the Zika virus will spread, just look at what happened in Puerto Rico with a related virus, chikungunya, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Wednesday."
* Maryland does the right thing: "More than 40,000 recently released Maryland felons will regain the right to vote in time for this year's election. The legislature on Tuesday narrowly overturned Gov. Larry Hogan's veto of a bill to extend voting rights to felons before they complete probation and parole."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.