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Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 11.17.15

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.
Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.
* With only four days remaining in Louisiana's gubernatorial race, the latest statewide poll shows John Bel Edwards (D) holding onto a double-digit lead over Sen. David Vitter (R), 51% to 35%.
* On a related note, Vitter hopes to rescue his struggling campaign by exploiting voters' fears of Syrian refugees, driven from their homes by ISIS.
* Marco Rubio is going after Ted Cruz on a timely issue: Cruz voted to limit the scope of the security state, which Rubio now considers a problem. The fact that the Florida senator is going after Cruz at all suggests Team Rubio is starting to worry about the threat Cruz poses.
* On the campaign trail last week, Rand Paul told a college audience, "[Y]ou don't have a right to a chair, you don’t have a right to shoes, you don’t have a right to pants, you don’t have a right to health care, you don’t have a right to water -- you have a right to be free.” Good to know.
* Facing increasingly long odds, Martin O'Malley's cash-strapped presidential campaign is "reallocating resources to reduce the size of its headquarters staff and focus on the early presidential nominating states, especially Iowa, according to sources."
* Bernie Sanders has unveiled his family-leave plan, which would extend three months of paid leave to new parents. The policy would be paid for through a small payroll tax increase.
* And Lindsey Graham's struggling presidential campaign is increasingly focused on a single state. “I am doing it the New Hampshire way," the senator said the other day. "But if I don’t move my numbers, if I can’t get traction in New Hampshire, I’ll have to reassess.”