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'A ton of interviews,' indeed

<p>&lt;p&gt;In the wake of Rick Santorum accusing the Fox News Channel of &amp;quot;shilling&amp;quot; for Mitt Romney, the former governor, as Rachel noted
Romney talks with Fox News' Megyn Kelly this week.
Romney talks with Fox News' Megyn Kelly this week.

In the wake of Rick Santorum accusing the Fox News Channel of "shilling" for Mitt Romney, the former governor, as Rachel noted last night, has "decided to make Fox News feel awkward about the charge by suddenly agreeing to do a ton of interviews on Fox News Channel shows."

This got me thinking -- just how many times has Romney appeared on Fox this week? Let's review:

* Monday: Romney visited with "Fox & Friends" in the morning, followed by an interview with Fox's Neil Cavuto in the afternoon.

* Wednesday: Romney was interviewed by Fox's Megyn Kelly in the afternoon.

* Thursday: Romney sat down with Fox's Bill Hemmer in the morning, appeared on Fox Radio in the afternoon, then talked to Fox's Sean Hannity in the evening.

* Friday: Romney appeared again on "Fox & Friends."

* Sunday: Romney will appear again on "Fox News Sunday" this weekend, just three weeks after his last appearance on the same show.

There was a point last summer at which Romney was so reluctant to talk to anyone in media that folks started joking about the "Mittness Protection Program." Six months later, Romney finally appears willing to field some media questions, but curiously, he seems especially interested in speaking to one network.

I wonder why that is.

Media Matters published a fascinating report a few weeks ago called "The Fox Primary," documenting the extent to which the network practically owns the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Romney's media schedule this week seems to reinforce the point nicely.