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Today in meat

First: The Washington Post reports that an Army Lab is testing a super-special beef jerky.
Today in meat
Today in meat

First: The Washington Post reports that an Army Lab is testing a super-special beef jerky. It "looks and tastes just like your average Slim Jim but contains an equivalent of a cup of coffee's worth of caffeine to give even the sleepiest soldier that up-and-at-'em boost."

Caffeinated meat -- imagine the possibilities. This could end post-Thanksgiving-dinner napping as we know it.

Second: in Alabama two visionaries have created a meat vending machine called SmartButcher. "Customers can feed $1 or $5 bills into the machine or swipe a credit or debit card and pay $2.49 for pork steaks, $3.99 for an 8-ounce sirloin or $5.99 for a 12-ounce ribeye steak. The machine also sells sausages and other meats."

The Rachel Maddow Show: the name to trust for the latest in meat-based technology.