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Thursday's Mini-Report

<p>Today's edition of quick hits:* Libya: "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday she was forming a panel to investigate

Today's edition of quick hits:

* Libya: "Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Thursday she was forming a panel to investigate the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. officials."

* Syria: "At least 30 people, and possibly more than 100, were killed in Syria on Thursday in the northern Raqqa Province, when government warplanes bombed a gas station crowded with people, according to activist groups."

* After another Republican ad that takes President Obama wildly out of context, Obama for America decided to have a little fun with context themselves.

* Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) hoped to use the Senate floor schedule to get out of a debate in Massachusetts against Elizabeth Warren (D). Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) isn't going to let that happen.

* Have racists been reduced to hanging empty chairs? Yes, they have.

* Economy: "Americans are on the move again after record numbers had stayed put, more young adults are leaving their parents' homes to take a chance with college or the job market, once-sharp declines in births are leveling off and poverty is slowing."

* Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hinted the Supreme Court will probably hear a challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act in the court's next term.

* The farm bill needs to pass eventually. But House Republican leaders aren't doing anything about it.

* The Justice Department Office of the Inspector General has published the definitive, 471-page report on the "Fast and Furious" controversy, based on 100,000 documents and more than 130 interviews. Will House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) finally move on to other issues? Of course not.

* Maybe Fox doesn't get Talk Like A Pirate day.

* And in case you get any angry emails from strange relatives, Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as "the Blind Sheikh," is not being released. Now you know.

Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.