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They went data way

Today, in the case of Sorrell vs. IMS Health Inc., the U.S.
They went data way
They went data way

Today, in the case of Sorrell vs. IMS Health Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a Vermont law that banned the use of physician prescription drug records for marketing purposes, ruling 6-3 that free-speech rights are more important than medical privacy concerns. “Attorneys for the pharmaceutical companies argued the law discriminated against them…” So everyone can rest comfortably now, reassured that the pharmaceutical industry's free speech rights are no longer subject to oppression at the hands of the confidentiality of your doctor's prescription pad.

Obviously, the shadowy authorities at the Message Control Center are thrilled by this turn of events. In a wild stroke of good luck, TRMS was once again able to intercept a highly sensitive—and highly fake—M.C.C. directive to its conservative minions.