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The case of the disappearing MaddowBlog

Hey, so remember that time Microsoft sold its whole stake in to Comcast?One of the remnants of that transaction is causing a little disturbance in our

Hey, so remember that time Microsoft sold its whole stake in to Comcast?

One of the remnants of that transaction is causing a little disturbance in our Force.

If you have MaddowBlog bookmarked as, then you're suddenly going to find yourself redirected to or possibly to just a dead end page. That "msn" is the vestigial organ left over from the Microsoft affiliation. is the URL you want. That's what works now and that's what will continue to work. should work again as soon as Monday, so if you have a habit of typing it in instead of bookmarking, that fast URL will be back in action soon.

Thanks, and sorry for the disruption.