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Occupying the national dialogue

At least a couple of times, Rachel has pointed out that no matter what you may think of Occupy Wall Street, its success at changing the national dialogue -as me
Results from a Nexis search for the phrase \"income inequality\" in the news media.
Results from a Nexis search for the phrase \"income inequality\" in the news media.

At least a couple of times, Rachel has pointed out that no matter what you may think of Occupy Wall Street, its success at changing the national dialogue -as measured in the dramatic increase in the use of the phrase "corporate greed"- is undeniable (see below).

On Friday, Dylan Byers, in a post titled "Occupy Wall Street is winning" performed a similar test, searching LexisNexis for use of the phrase "income inequality" and graphing it over time (see above).

Occupying the national dialogue
Occupying the national dialogue