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Morning Maddow: September 6

Pres. Obama cancels a fundraising trip as 'no' votes on Syria pile up. He will speak at a press conference today.WSJ: U.S. decided not to horse-trade with
Morning Maddow: September 6
Morning Maddow: September 6

Pres. Obama cancels a fundraising trip as 'no' votes on Syria pile up. He will speak at a press conference today.

WSJ: U.S. decided not to horse-trade with Russia on Assad.

The Senate and the House are still technically at recess, but they will convene briefly today to get the Syria legislative ball rolling.

2 Senators are working on an alternate Syria resolution.

What weapons inspectors are looking for and how they will know they have found it.

The White House launches a website presenting its argument for striking Syria.

And in non-Syria news: there's a Moon launch tonight with a neat mission to solve moon mysteries.