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Morning Maddow: December 10

Morning headlines: Pres. Obama on Mandela, delay foreseen in removing Syria's chemical weapons, will VA's GOP-dominated legislature pick the state's next AG?

Pres. Obama on Nelson Mandela: 'the world has lost a beloved friend and mentor.' (NBC News)

Pres. Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro. (AP)

Heritage Action opposes the budget deal in process. (WSJ)

In the still-unsettled VA Atty. General's race, the Republican appears to be at least thinking of having the state legislature decide the race instead of the voters. (Richmond Times-Dispatch)

Northeast states want EPA to force neighbors to clear the air. (McClatchy)

There's an election in Massachusetts today for the House seat vacated by now-Senator Ed Markey. (AP)

Delay foreseen in removing Syrian chemicals. (NY Times)