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Morning Maddow: December 1

The world according to Herman Cain.The Senate declines to vote on an amendment that would give military women the same right as federal prisoners.Occupy
Morning Maddow: December 1
Morning Maddow: December 1

The world according to Herman Cain.

The Senate declines to vote on an amendment that would give military women the same right as federal prisoners.

Occupy protesters move on from encampments to foreclosures.

It's World AIDS Day.

The effect of "racial animus" on the 2008 Presidential election.

Anti-union forces in New Hampshire lose a battle.

Former WI Gov. Tommy Thompson launches his Senate campaign today.

And Ken Cuccinelli wants to be the next Governor of Virginia.

In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood expect to win big after bending the rules.

It's official: Rep. Allen West is funnier than Grover Norquist.