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Monday's Campaign Round-Up, 10.19.15

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.
Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.
* In the new national CNN poll, Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders, 45% to 29%, with Vice President Biden running third with 18%. Both Clinton and Sanders saw their support grow a few points each following last week's debate. (Without Biden in the mix, Clinton leads Sanders, 56% to 33%.)
* In New Hampshire, nearly all recent polling has shown Sanders leading Clinton, but a Boston Globe poll released late last week showed Clinton edging past her rival, 37% to 35%.
* Six GOP presidential candidates -- Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, and Mike Huckabee -- traveled to Plano, Texas, over the weekend to campaign at a conservative megachurch. Prestonwood Baptist Church's congregation reportedly has 40,000 members.
* Jeb Bush's campaign has launched a fundraiser based on Donald Trump's criticism of George W. Bush's handling of 9/11. The subject line on Team Jeb's appeal reads, "Help defend my brother." (Yes, "I am my own man" is now just a distant memory.)
* There's mounting evidence that Biden will, in fact, launch a presidential campaign, with the vice president reaching out on Friday to International Association of Fire Fighters President Harold Schaitberger for a campaign-related chat. The labor leader was left with the impression that Biden will launch his latest national campaign soon.
* Facing some unexpected financial challenges, Team Jeb has slashed "hundreds of thousands of dollars in salaries over the last three months."
* Early voting is underway in Louisiana's gubernatorial election, in which Sen. David Vitter (R), despite his many problems, picked up an endorsement from New Orleans' Times-Picayune.
* And as Rachel noted on the show on Friday, Rand Paul continues to transfer money from his Senate re-election fund to the coffers of his struggling presidential campaign.