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Missing plane mystery and other headlines

Morning headlines: new data adds another twist to missing plane mystery, Sen. McCain goes to Ukraine today, Senate fight with CIA gets messier.
Sen. John McCain
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. is seen on Capitol Hill in Washington, May 14, 2013. (Photo by Cliff Owen/AP)

Engine data suggests missing Malaysian plane stayed airborne four hours after transponders stopped working. (WSJ)

Sen. John McCain leads a delegation to Ukraine today. (The Hill)

A partisan split begins to form in the Senate Intelligence Committee fight with the CIA. (The Hill)

Report: White House withholds thousands of documents from Senate CIA probe. (McClatchy)

Keystone XL opponents launch campaign against former Obama National Security Adviser. (BuzzFeed)

A.G. Eric Holder will call for reduced sentences for low-level drug offenders. (Washington Post)

AZ Gov. Jan Brewer won't seek another term in office. (Arizona Republic)

The Schlaflys are fighting... over beer. (AP)