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LIVE UPDATES: Witness testimony resumes on Day 12 of Trump's hush money trial

Tuesday's Campaign Round-Up, 4.7.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* It is, as we discussed earlier, Election Day in Wisconsin, and if you haven't seen the length of some of the local lines -- see here and here, for example -- they're ridiculous.

* On a related note, shortly before midnight (ET), Donald Trump published a tweet touting his support for Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly, who's facing a challenge today from Dane County Judge Jill Karofsky. Though technically the contest is non-partisan, Kelly enjoys conservative support, and Karofsky enjoys progressive support.

* The president said at yesterday's White House press briefing, in reference to Democrats, "They want to make Trump look as bad as they can, because they want to try and win an election that they shouldn't be allowed to win, based on the fact we have done a great job."

* Though the importance of Democratic endorsements appears to have faded, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) threw his support behind Joe Biden overnight. The iconic hero of the civil-rights movement also recommended the likely Democratic nominee to choose a woman of color as his running mate.

* In Michigan's U.S. Senate race, the latest Public Policy Polling survey found incumbent Sen. Gary Peters (D) with a modest lead over John James (R), 45% to 38%.

* Former presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg has launched a new political action committee, which he's named "Win the Era." The former mayor said his PAC will focus on electing a new generation of leaders.

* With Republican leaders determined to hold their national nominating convention on schedule in Charlotte in August, Mayor Vi Lyles (D) was asked this week whether she expects her city to be ready in light of the pandemic. "We'll see," she replied.