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Thursday’s Campaign Round-Up, 6.15.23

Today’s installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today’s installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* In the race for the Republicans’ 2024 presidential nomination, a Quinnipiac poll released yesterday showed Donald Trump leading Gov. Ron DeSantis, 53% to 23%. Tied for third were former Gov. Chris Christie, former Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Sen. Tim Scott, each of whom garnered 4% support. These numbers haven’t changed much since Quinnipiac released related data nearly a month ago.

* For what it’s worth, the same poll showed President Joe Biden leading Trump in a hypothetical general election match-up, 48% to 44%.

* Speaking of the Democratic incumbent, the Associated Press reported that Biden picked up endorsements yesterday from four environmental and conservation groups: the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, NextGen PAC, NRDC Action Fund, and the Sierra Club. It was apparently the first time the organizations have endorsed a presidential candidate jointly.

* As some GOP presidential candidates kick around the idea of pardoning Trump if elected, former Gov. Asa Hutchinson is going in the other direction: The Arkansas Republican told Politico that he won’t vote for Trump if the former president is convicted of a felony.

* The Wall Street Journal published a fascinating report yesterday noting that GOP lawmakers are increasingly “weaning themselves off money from corporate political-action committees,” relying instead on “smaller donations from millions of individuals who tend to be wary of big-businesses priorities.”

* Mother Jones’ David Corn published a report this week on the No Labels operation, noting that donations to the group are “handled by an online fundraising platform called Anedot. According to its website, Anedot typically charges political groups a 4 percent fee plus 30 cents per transaction. Under that formula, when an online contributor sends No Labels $100, Anedot pockets $4.30. That money bolsters Anedot’s mission to raise funds for the right and the GOP.”

* And EMILY’s List, a leading political action committee that boost women candidates who support abortion rights, is reportedly planning to spend “tens of millions of dollars” to improve Vice President Kamala Harris’ public standing.