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Monday's Campaign Round-Up, 11.1.21

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* In New Jersey's gubernatorial race, the final Stockton University poll found incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy leading Republican challenger Jack Ciattarelli, 50 percent to 41 percent.

* Meanwhile, in Virginia's gubernatorial race, the final Roanoke College poll showed Democratic former Gov. Terry McAuliffe with the smallest of leads over Republican Glenn Youngkin, 47 percent to 46 percent. FiveThirtyEight's averages, however, show Youngkin with a one-point advantage.

* On a related note, Donald Trump over the weekend told Fox News that he "strongly" endorses Youngkin, and this morning, the former president issued a written statement, telling his followers that he and Youngkin "get along very well together and strongly believe in many of the same policies."

* It's worth emphasizing that Trump's written statement went on to say, "I am not a believer in the integrity of Virginia's elections, lots of bad things went on, and are going on."

* Trump will also host a virtual campaign rally tonight in support of Virginia's GOP ticket. Youngkin has already said he will not be participating in the event.

* In case you missed it on Friday, New York Attorney General Letitia James confirmed months of rumors and announced that she's launching a Democratic gubernatorial campaign.

* There will be a congressional special election in Ohio's 15th district tomorrow, and while Republican coal industry lobbyist Mike Carey is heavily favored, President Joe Biden today issued a written endorsement in support of the Democratic nominee, Allison Russo.

* And as expected, Trump gloated after Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger announced on Friday that he isn't seeking re-election to the U.S. House. Referring to the group of Republicans who voted for his impeachment in January, the former president's written statement read, "2 down, 8 to go!"