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Friday's Campaign Round-Up, 12.11.20

Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.


Today's installment of campaign-related news items from across the country.

* The editorial board of the Orlando Sentinel endorsed Rep. Michael Waltz's (R-Fla.) re-election this year, but after the congressman endorsed his party's anti-election lawsuit, the newspaper has regrets. "We apologize to our readers for endorsing Michael Waltz in the 2020 general election for Congress," the Sentinel told readers today. "We had no idea, had no way of knowing at the time, that Waltz was not committed to democracy."

* Donald Trump argued on Twitter this morning that U.S. Supreme Court should let him remain president because "the Biden Administration will be a scandal plagued mess for years to come." This is gibberish, though his explicit reference to the incoming Biden administration almost resembled a concession.

* The outgoing president also wrote, apropos of nothing, "I just want to stop the world from killing itself!"

* In Georgia, U.S. Senate hopeful Jon Ossoff's (D) new ad focuses almost entirely on economic relief facing opposition in Republican-led chamber.

* On a related note, ProPublica reported this week that Ossoff's opponent, incumbent Sen. David Perdue (R), sold his home in D.C. last year "to a brokerage industry official whose organization is under the purview of a committee Perdue sits on. The deal was made off market, without the home being listed for sale publicly."

* A new national Quinnipiac poll, released yesterday, found that 70% of Republicans do not consider President-elect Joe Biden's victory to be legitimate. The same survey found that 77% of Republicans believe there was widespread voter fraud in this year's elections, reality be damned.

* And in Florida, to no one's surprise, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said this week that he will run for a third term in 2022. The Republican senator, whose national ambitions are not a secret, has not yet said whether he'll commit to serving a full six-year term.