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Friday's Mini-Report, 4.25.14

Today's edition of quick hits.
Today's edition of quick hits:
* Ukraine: "Defying warnings from Moscow not to confront pro-Russian militants entrenched in towns across eastern Ukraine, the interim central government in Kiev on Friday threatened to 'blockade' the Kremlin's allies in the eastern city of Slovyansk, and told Russian troops on maneuvers that any crossing of the border would be seen as an invasion."
* Middle East peace process: "President Obama on Friday said a lack of "political will" has undermined the effort to reach a peace deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians while standing behind the efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry. 'What we haven't seen, frankly, is the political will to make tough decisions on both sides,' Obama said during a news conference in South Korea."
* Trade deal: "U.S. and Japanese officials gave starkly different assessments Friday of key trade negotiations, as President Obama left Tokyo without a final agreement on a deal to improve access to Japanese markets for U.S. producers.... As Obama flew from Tokyo to Seoul, the official told reporters on Air Force One that negotiators had set "parameters" for continued talks that could lead to an agreement. But Akira Amari, a Japanese state minister in charge of the trade talks for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's administration, said in Tokyo that several issues were still unresolved."
* Pakistan: "Putting an abrupt end to the Pakistani government's adherence to a cease-fire with the Taliban on Thursday, military jets launched heavy airstrikes against militants in the Khyber tribal region bordering Afghanistan, officials said."
* Christie Bridge scandal: "New Jersey U.S. attorney Paul Fishman has issued a subpoena to a legislative committee investigating the George Washington Bridge closures for its documents pertaining to the matter, a sign that prosecutors are continuing to delve into the issue."
* IRS: "The House next month plans to vote to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt for her refusal to testify before Congress about the targeting of Tea Party groups, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told his colleagues in a memo Friday."
* A good question: "How did Oregon get Obamacare so wrong?"
* And finally, a resolution in Kansas: "Michelle Obama will now address graduating high school seniors in Topeka, Kan., a day earlier than originally planned, the White House said Thursday, addressing concerns by students and parents that her participation in a combined graduation ceremony for five schools would limit seating for family and friends."
Anything to add? Consider this an open thread.