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Denial is not just a river in Egypt

<p>&lt;p&gt;The National Organization for Marriage, arguably the nation&amp;#039;s largest and fiercest opponent of marriage equality, is disappointed by this

The National Organization for Marriage, arguably the nation's largest and fiercest opponent of marriage equality, is disappointed by this year's election results, but wants to reassure everyone that they're winning the war, even if they lose some battles.

"Our opponents and some in the media will attempt to portray the election results as a changing point in how Americans view gay marriage, but that is not the case. Americans remain strongly in favor of marriage as the union of one man and one woman."

Look, I realize groups like these have to put out press releases, putting a positive spin on discouraging news. I don't seriously expect the National Organization for Marriage to announce, the day after the election, "We're screwed; we're on the wrong side of history; so we've decided to close up shop."

But reality is stubborn. After never having lost a statewide race, anti-gay activists lost in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, and apparently, the state of Washington this week. In Iowa, conservatives failed to oust a state Supreme Court justice who approved marriage equality, and in New York, NOM's plan to change state law failed when Democrats took the state Senate.

The vast majority of independent national polls show that most Americans believe if two people meet, fall in love, and want to get married, there's nothing wrong with that, and there shouldn't be laws to prevent this from happening.

Last year, the president of the far-right Focus on the Family was asked about the future of marriage equality, and he conceded, "We've probably lost that."

The sooner other conservatives reach the same conclusion, the better.

Postscript: For pun-challenged readers confused by the headline, The Nile = da Nile = Denial.