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Challenge: name those caterpillars

The other day I was elated to find a monarch caterpillar clinging to a scraggly patch of milkweed on a busy roadway.
Challenge: name those caterpillars
Challenge: name those caterpillars

The other day I was elated to find a monarch caterpillar clinging to a scraggly patch of milkweed on a busy roadway. Today I found another one in the exact same spot! I have freed them both from the perils of life in the wild (what with a hurricane coming and all), and now they are safely munching away in a shoebox in my house. So now I think I need to name them.

The little one on the left is the first one I found. The big one on the right is the one I found today. I don't know if they are boys or girls. What I do know is that if all goes well, in a few weeks they will be big, beautiful monarch butterflies.

Help me name them?