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Biden smacks 'scurrilous' GOP claims

<p>&lt;p&gt;Vice President Biden is aware of the latest Romney/Ryan claims about the auto industry -- which the Republican ticket tripled down on after the
Biden smacks 'scurrilous' GOP claims
Biden smacks 'scurrilous' GOP claims

Vice President Biden is aware of the latest Romney/Ryan claims about the auto industry -- which the Republican ticket tripled down on after the claims were debunked -- and he's apparently unimpressed.

During a campaign event in Sarasota, Fla., Biden called the latest ad one of the "most scurrilous" and "most flagrantly dishonest ads I can remember in my political career." The worst part, he said, is that the ad actually caused workers to call United Auto Workers and ask if it was true."What a cynical, cynical thing to do," Biden said of Romney.

A spokesperson for General Motors took the unusual step yesterday of saying Mitt Romney's bizarre claims have "clearly entered some parallel universe" and the Republican's tactics reflect "campaign politics at its cynical worst." Biden noted today, "That's the best description I've ever heard of the Romney/Ryan ticket."

Of particular interest, the VP used the controversy surrounding Romney's dishonesty to drive home a larger point. "Presidential elections are overwhelmingly about character," said Biden. "My guy, your guy, has character ... [He] does not engage in deception. He means what he says."

I had a couple of items last week on the importance the Obama campaign is placing on "trust" as a closing campaign theme. By getting caught repeating blatant falsehoods about a critical economic issue, Romney is making the Obama/Biden task easier.

Update: Also of interest, the vice president made some curious remarks about his possible 2016 plans.