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Survey: Many Republicans believe armed rebellion may be necessary

Is the second American revolution on our doorstep?

Is the second American revolution on our doorstep? Nearly half of all Republicans apparently believe it might be necessary, according to a new poll from a New Jersey University.

Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind found that 44% of Republican respondents agreed that an "armed revolution" might be needed in the next few years to defend liberties.

The same poll found 18% of Democrats and 27% of independents agreed it could be necessary.

"The differences in views of gun legislation are really a function of differences in what people believe guns are for," Fairleigh Dickinson political science professor Dan Cassino said in a news release. "If you truly believe an armed revolution is possible in the near future, you need weapons and you're going to be wary about government efforts to take them away."

The poll, which focused primarily on gun control, found a stark divide in support for general gun control measures, with 75% of Democrats supporting new legislation and a nearly equally large number of Republicans (65%) opposing any new legislation.

The idea of armed revolution has been floated by a handful of mostly fringe conservatives in recent months, including NRA member Ted Nugent. The idea also made it into a Virginia County Republican party newsletter last year, specifically tying the idea to President Obama's reelection.

The survey of 863 registered voters was conducted by telephone nationwide between April 22 and April 28.