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Rev's Early Reads: May 13

New Bridgegate hearing... more right-wing derangement on #BringBackOurGirls... and Karl Rove talks about Hillary Clinton's brain.
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Gov. Chris Christie's top spokesman to testify before Bridgegate committee.

Fox News pundits ramp up their attacks on the #BringBackOurGirls campaign for the abducted Nigerian schoolgirls.

Karl Rove reportedly suggests that Hillary Clinton has some sort of "traumatic brain injury."

Insurers gave consumers $1.5 billion in rebates from 2011-2012 as part of the Affordable Care Act.

Paul Ryan and Jeb Bush claim that "love" and "traditional marriage" address poverty better than government programs.

New studies show that "unstoppable" ice melt in Antarctica could make oceans rise 12 feet within the next 2 centuries.