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Rev's Early Reads: June 11

Rep. Cantor's stunning loss (and what it says about the Tea Party)... new Sgt. Bergdahl hearing... and Sen. Ted Cruz makes a big decision about his citizenship.
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House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor loses GOP primary to Tea Party challenger in stunning upset.

Why the Cantor loss will move the GOP even farther to the right -- and doom immigration reform.

Pres. Obama to give commencement address at high school in Massachusetts.

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to testify on Sgt. Bergdahl release today before House Armed Services Committee.

He's all ours now: Sen. Ted Cruz has officially renounced his Canadian citizenship. 

Pressure grows on conservative George Will after column that claimed being a rape victim is a "coveted status."

What's the difference between Republicans and Republicans who watch Fox News? A lot, as it turns out.