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Big news overseas this morning as a massive move is made to save Greece.  But will it work?

Big news overseas this morning as a massive move is made to save Greece.  But will it work?  If it doesn't, it could change the #2012 race right when it really matters.

Magid CPI: Rick Santorum risks alienating voters with his focus on faith; Eurozone approves bailout of Greece; Iran & Oil: India ships will lose insurance due to Iran sanctions, may look to China 

Google: fat tuesday; gas prices; stephen colbert 

Twitter: #FatTuesday; Lent; Rihanna and Chris Brown

YouTube Politics: The Mutt Romney Blues 

Billboard (Hot 100): Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson; Set Fire To The Rain - Adele; We Are Young - fun. Featuring Janelle Monae

Billboard (Ringtones): Sexy And I Know It - LMFAO; Red Solo Cup - Toby Keith; Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - Kelly Clarkson