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NOW Today: The Romney birth certificate

Guess we should have seen this coming.The Romney birth certificate is out this morning - conveniently published in a Reuters report the day that Mitt Romney was
NOW Today: The Romney birth certificate
NOW Today: The Romney birth certificate

Guess we should have seen this coming.

The Romney birth certificate is out this morning - conveniently published in a Reuters report the day that Mitt Romney was raising cash with "I don't consider myself birther or not birther" Donald Trump in Las Vegas.

The Romney campaign says they got the request this weekend and sent the certificate Tuesday. And while no one is using this moment to question Romney's eligibility for President, it does invite discussion about the controversy about George Romney's run for President in 1968 (you'll note his birthplace is listed as Mexico).

Oh, the irony.


John Heilemann, New York Magazine/msnbc Political Analyst (@jheil)

Michael Steele, Fmr. RNC Chair/msnbc Political Analyst (@steele_michael)

Karen Finney, Fmr. DNC Communications Chair/Columnist, “The Hill”/msnbc Political Analyst (@finneyk)

Hugo Lindgren, Editor, The New York Times Magazine (@hugolindgren)


Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) (@kaybaileyhutch)