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NOW Today

Yet again, the day-after story following a big contest weakens Romney's win and bolsters Santorum.

Yet again, the day-after story following a big contest weakens Romney's win and bolsters Santorum.  Or does it?

Yesterday we learned that Rick Santorum was awarded exactly half of Michigan's 30 delegates - the other half going to Mitt Romney.  The Santorum camp says the fact Romney was unable to get an edge on delegates in his own home state only bolsters Santorum's candidacy headed into Super Tuesday.  But others say a win is a win, and no one is going so far as to say Michigan was a tie.  So is it a technicality that only junkies will notice, or can Santorum channel that into momentum to further complicate Romney's fight toward the nomination?

Oh, and then of course there's Newt Gingrich, who is grabbing onto rising gas prices as a signature of his campaign promises.  More at noon ET.


Michael Steele, Fmr. RNC Chair/msnbc Political Analyst (@steele_michael)

Ryan Lizza, The New Yorker (@ryanlizza)

Patricia Murphy, Daily Beast Contributor/Citizen Jane Politics (@1patriciamurphy)

S.E. Cupp, NY Daily News Columnist (@secupp)


Ezra Klein, The Washington Post/msnbc Policy Analyst (@ezraklein)


Willie Geist (@williegeist1) Sir William of Vanderbilt