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Inside the debaters studio

You may recall a few months ago that James Lipton of "Inside the Actors Studio" went to the pages of New York Magazine and gave his unsolicited advice to

You may recall a few months ago that James Lipton of "Inside the Actors Studio" went to the pages of New York Magazine and gave his unsolicited advice to Governor Romney on how to act like, well, a human. After last night's debate, it appears Romney may have followed some of Lipton's suggestions.

On the show today, Lipton gave the Republican nominee some positive reviews, saying Romney went from appearing like that unlikable boss who makes "lame jokes" to someone with "conviction" who relishes being on stage.

The same could not be said for President Obama.

The President looked like he wanted to run from the auditorium and get right back on Air Force One. Throughout the 90-minute showdown he stared at his lectern, instead of looking at his two main audiences: Governor Romney and the millions of people watching on television. "He avoided both studiously," said Lipton. "What a beginner's mistake for a great politician."