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The not-so-secret nightlife of Pope Francis

Every Pope makes headlines, just not typically for openly embracing a list of hipster hobbies.
Pope Francis waves to the faithful as he arrives for his weekly audience in Vatican City, Dec. 4, 2013.
Pope Francis waves to the faithful as he arrives for his weekly audience in Vatican City, Dec. 4, 2013.

He drives a 30-year-old Renault; his favorite movie is Fellini’s “La Strada”; he used to dance Tango with this girlfriend; and he once worked the door at a nightclub to pay the bills. Oh, and he’s the leader of the Catholic Church.

Every Pope makes headlines, just not typically for openly embracing a list of hipster hobbies. But Pope Francis is also generating buzz this week for a report by the Huffington Post that he’s been sneaking out of the Vatican at night to meet with the homeless. That’s right, in addition to cold-calling those who have written to him, and comforting sick and disfigured followers who show up to meet him, Pope Francis is finding time to duck out at night disguised as a regular priest in order to minister the homeless.

Watch Alex Wagner’s full breakdown of the admirable and humbling revelations about Pope Francis here.