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The Cooler: Snooki, Newt and mashed-potato Slurpees

By: Molly MitchellMashed potatoes, it's time to meet your master!We've gotten word that this culinary big foot is apparently real: An honest-to-goodness, 7-Elev

By: Molly Mitchell

Mashed potatoes, it's time to meet your master!

We've gotten word that this culinary big foot is apparently real: An honest-to-goodness, 7-Eleven mashed potato vending machine DOES in fact exist in the world.

And Willie discussed it this morning with great relish.

The only catch is that this awesome machine is not yet available in the U.S., only in Singapore. So how does it work?

“After you mix potato flax and hot water the machine oozes out instant mashed potatoes into a handy cup followed by…chicken gravy.” But as Willie noted, “You can also opt for the barbeque chicken flavor.”

Willie asked, “The question is why is this not in the United States, why is Singapore leading the way in this technology?” In the spirit of other awesome vending machines the US is not yet privy to, Willie introducing us to other crazy machines. There is Prague’s Pilsner Urquell vending machine (with a scanner to ensure the buyer is of legal age),  the European “Let’s Pizza” machine which pops out a pizza in three minutes with your choice of 200 different toppings, and Australia’s fry vending machines (they are cooked in hot oil then flash-frozen and cook in 45 seconds).

Are you counting down the days to the arrival of the potato-slurpee? Or do you hope Singapore keeps the honors?

And in other Cooler news there was undeniable (albeit odd) chemistry between former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, and Snooki Polizzi, of "Jersey Shore" fame on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno."

Newt offered, “Congratulations on having two New York Times’ best-sellers.” To which Snooki smiled and replied, “Thank you. We’re trying to be you like you.” Later on, Jay asked, “Newt do you drink?” When Newt responded with an affirmative, Snooki offered praise, “Good for you!”

Who knew these guys would get on so well?