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Success of health care website depends on users' stories

Triumph for the government's health care website does not depend on President Obama's promises, but rather on users sharing their positive experiences.
Janet Perez oversees specialists at a Rhode Island health insurance exchange program, October 25, 2013.
Janet Perez oversees specialists at a Rhode Island health insurance exchange program, October 25, 2013.

Success for the government’s health care website will prevail when Americans who have successfully used it share their experiences with other people, host Joe Scarborough said on Thursday's Morning Joe.

Users sharing their positive experiences from the Obamacare website “will do more than any 30-second ads,” he said. But if the majority of people continue to meet widespread problems, “it doesn’t matter what Barack Obama says or does; it fails."

President Obama criticized lawmakers in Texas on Wednesday for not opting into Obamacare and subsequently leaving millions of residents without health care.

Related: Texas voting suggests trouble on the horizon

Obama is currently dealing with two issues: breaking the promise that people wouldn’t lose their health insurance and that everyone will benefit from the new health care law, Steve Rattner, msnbc economic analyst, said on the show.

“It’s going to be a dog fight,” he said. “It’s a year of mid-term elections, the website I think will be a memory by then.”

Watch more on Morning Joe.