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Scarborough: GOP establishment just wants to win; conservatives want to win the country

A new NBC News/Marist poll shows Mitt Romney gaining a strong lead in Florida, but Joe Scarborough discusses why he thinks Romney is still having trouble convin

A new NBC News/Marist poll shows Mitt Romney gaining a strong lead in Florida, but Joe Scarborough discusses why he thinks Romney is still having trouble convincing conservatives he's the candidate they should be supporting.

Joe Scarborough: “For conservatives like me, Mitt’s not closing the deal by attacking Newt. Mitt’s not closing the deal by reciting the words to “America the Beautiful.” Mitt’s not going to get my vote in the primary if Mitt doesn’t start fighting for something…We conservatives feel betrayed by the Republican establishment…So, are we going to rush into the arms of Mitt Romney when we’re afraid we may get four more years of big government conservatism? Because the Republican establishment, they don’t mind that because they just want to win. We actually want to win the country.”