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Santorum superPAC to Gingrich: Time to leave the party

So, while the main post-Super Tuesday narrative seems to be how Republicans are feeling about Mitt Romney.

So, while the main post-Super Tuesday narrative seems to be how Republicans are feeling about Mitt Romney. He won the most delegates and took home Ohio, but doubts about him continue to persist.

But Rick Santorum, at least in the immediate moment, has something else on his mind. Or, I should say, his superPAC has something on its mind. And what's on his mind is Newt Gingrich.

Newt took home only one state last night, his home state of Georgia, and to the superPAC supporting Santorum, the Red, White and Blue Fund, that indicates it's time for Gingrich to exit the campaign.

Politico picked up on the story earlier this morning:

“With Gingrich exiting the race it would be a true head-to-head race and conservatives would be able to make a choice between a consistent conservative in Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney.  For instance, with Gingrich out of the race Santorum would have won both Ohio and Michigan,” RWB Fund adviser Stuart Roy said.

But Gingrich isn't listening.

"The former House speaker plans to pour his time and resources into Alabama and Mississippi," the Washington Post is reporting.

But what do you think? Is it just a matter of time before Newt drops out? Or could he still stage another comeback?