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How the budget battle affects lower-income Americans

On Wednesday, President Obama met with Christian leaders who are asking him to protect services for the poor and hungry as the debt debate continues. Rev.

On Wednesday, President Obama met with Christian leaders who are asking him to protect services for the poor and hungry as the debt debate continues. Rev. Jim Wallis joins Morning Joe to discuss the meeting and what programs shouldn't receive cuts in funding.

Rev. Jim Wallis: "Who's going to defend the Women, Infants, Children program? The WIC program -- which has made strong minds and bodies for kids for a long, long time. Who's going to defend basic health care for kids? K-Street doesn't have any lobbyists that spend their time defending poor people. So that was our job. And this group wasn’t the usual suspects. It was conservatives, liberals, Catholics and evangelicals. So we talked about those programs that don’t cost much. It’s malaria bed nets for kids and vaccinations. I want these guys to stand up and say every line item of military spend is worth more than 10.4 million malaria bed nets they're about to cut. Either say it out loud or don't cut it."