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Henry Kissinger discusses exercise and decaf coffee

Ladies and gentleman, feel free to thank us for this any time you like.

Ladies and gentleman, feel free to thank us for this any time you like. Consider it your little Friday moment of Zen before the lovely, long weekend.

Quick bit of background: If you've visited our site lately, you've noticed our fine selection of green room interviews. Since we get up at ungodly hours for the show, we like to live vicariously through our guests by asking them about their morning routines. Generally they don't get up at 1 a.m. the way we do, and for that we're infinitely envious. Sometimes we ask our guests which books they're reading. That's stuff worth knowing.

And our intrepid man in the green room, Louis Burgdorf, talked with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger this week, and well, the results are pretty amazing.

Enjoy everyone. I'm about to head out for a fun drive on the Garden State Parkway en route to the Jersey Shore. We'll see you Tuesday.