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Foster Friess and his "quest for forgiveness"

Foster Friess is having an interesting few days.His comments about Bayer aspirin as a means of contraception have bounced around the Net, and have come back to
Foster Friess and his \"quest for forgiveness\"
Foster Friess and his \"quest for forgiveness\"

Foster Friess is having an interesting few days.

His comments about Bayer aspirin as a means of contraception have bounced around the Net, and have come back to him.

And now he's apologizing for the comment. He explains today on his blog:

Last week my joke at the Conservative Political Action Conference generated laughter and media attention. Today on Andrea Mitchell’s show, my aspirin joke bombed as many didn’t recognize it as a joke but thought it was my prescription for today’s birth control practices. In fact, the only positive comments I got were from folks who remembered it from 50 years back. Birth control pills weren’t yet available, so everyone laughed at the silliness on how an aspirin could become a birth control pill.After listening to the segment tonight, I can understand how I confused people with the way I worded the joke and their taking offense is very understandable. To all those who took my joke as modern day approach I deeply apologize and seek your forgiveness. My wife constantly tells me I need new material—she understood the joke but didn’t like it anyway—so I will keep that old one in the past where it belongs.

We discussed Friess' comments on the show this morning as well, and "Last Word" host Lawrence O'Donnell, who spoke with Friess last night on his show, had some interesting insights on the issue. Watch the video of the discussion below: