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The April 13 'MHP' Syllabus

Rapper Pharaohe Monch on mental health, writer Jonathan Chait on race, heroin, and This Week in Voter Suppression--all Sunday in #nerdland. 10am ET, msnbc!
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus
Melissa Harris Perry MHP The Syllabus

The Democrats’ concerted effort to stop voter suppression will be a focus of Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry. Specifically, we will take a look at one battleground state where the fight has intensified: Ohio. We will put the spotlight back on Cuyahoga County, where Cleveland is located, as they defy the current law forbidding county officials from mailing out absentee ballots to all registered voters.

Heroin, a drug that perhaps conjures images of a bygone era, is far from a distant memory. In fact, addiction to the intravenous drug is rapidly becoming an epidemic in modern America. Between 2006 and 2010, the number of deaths caused by heroin overdoses increased 45%.

We will be joined by NBC News National Correspondent Kate Snow, who has chronicled the rise in heroin addiction as well as the controversial use of the drug, Narcan, that can quite literally bring addicts back from the brink of an overdose.

Last week, we explicated the ongoing debate between The Atlantic's Ta-Nehisi Coates and New York's Jonathan Chait. What started out as a debate over Rep.Paul Ryan’s comments about  culture and poverty has evolved into an even deeper discussion of race and culture in the era of President Obama. This week, we will be joined by Chait, the author of a controversial new feature in New York about race in the Obama era, to discuss his views on how American society reacts to race. We'll expand the conversation to examine a bold statement Attorney General Eric Holder made on Thursday about how harshly Republicans treat both him and President Obama that strongly inferred that treatment is due to their skin color.

Also, rapper Pharoahe Monch will join host Melissa Harris-Perry in studio to discuss his new album PTSD, which delves into his own bout with depression and the importance of mental health issues.

Be sure to read what we’ve linked above, and watch Melissa Harris-Perry Sunday at 10 a.m. ET on msnbc! Also, don’t forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #nerdland.