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Top Links: Mark Sanford hikes the Appalachian runoff today

Top story: Most campaign watchers believe former South Carolina Gov.
Former South Carolina Gov. is expected to win his congressional primary today. (AP Photo/The Island Packet, Sarah Welliver)
Former South Carolina Gov. is expected to win his congressional primary today.

Top story: Most campaign watchers believe former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford should win his GOP congressional primary today—but his contest versus Stephen Colbert's sister is still an open question.

  • Sanford, who turned “hiking the Appalachian Trail” into a euphemism, is almost certain to win. (The Atlantic Wire)
  • The race, incidentally, has featured a debate where Sanford’s opponent, Curtis Bostic, pointed out that while Sanford left office to carry on an affair, Bostic briefly left his political office to tend to a wife who had cancer. Ouch. (Hot Air)
  • “Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who is popular with religious conservatives, stumped for [Bostic] last week.” (The Fix)
  • “Sanford hasn’t ceded the evangelical vote completely. He’s trying to win over the social conservatives, casting himself as a figure of repentance and redemption.” (Politico)
  • “And the latest twist for Sanford? A Dem poll shows [Elizabeth] Colbert Busch ahead of him for May 7 general. Will DCCC get involved?” (Mark Murray)
  • “While most in the national audience know Colbert Busch best for her brother, she’s long been involved in the Charleston community and polls show she’s well-known and fairly well-liked.” (The Hill)
  • “Both parties have a large Embarrassment Caucus, but GOP's is growing with Don Young and...Mark Sanford?” (Larry Sabato)